
I’m back and ready to complain about every little thing in my life! School has been the normal same old boring stuff, nothing too exciting. I mean I did fail my geography test which was pretty much the whole grade for the quarter, so that’s great. I do have my first homecoming soon! I’m going to my friend’s this weekend which is actually my old school, then next week will be mine. I’ve returned two dresses so far but I finally made my final selection a couple days ago. I’ll probably write about them later, maybe, I’ve been doing horrible honestly about keeping up with this blog. But moving on, it’s time to rant.

Why is society like this? I know this is a very broad, random question that almost everybody asks, but just what’s the point? Now I’m talking about like in school, trying to fit in and be popular. Some of the stuff people do to be known about is sick. Nudes, drugs, using diseases as an excuse to get people to feel sorry for you (which really sets me off.) Or if your even using all of that to create hate upon yourself so it will seem that you’ve got “haters” and “drama” because your just “so popular”. I feel that’s the exact opposite way of how to be popular. It’ll only bring people to talk behind your back, or give you negative feedback, except for the ones who do it with you. It may seem cool and okay, but really it’s messed up. What is being popular anyways? Having people want to be you? Having the most friends? I wish people could just stop and all get along, we all go through troubles, we all look different, can’t we use those differences in ourselves to get along? But unfortunately, it’s not like magic where poof!, everybody is hugging and happy. I know all schools aren’t like this though, they could be worse or actually filled with happiness and hugs (if so take me there please). Another thing is, for me, I can’t stand people who overreact about certain things. I know we all come from different pasts that may affect how you deal with a situation, but there is just some stuff that’s not worth the tears. Such as having a senior mistaken you for a sophomore. (Yes, one of my friends texted me being very upset about that.) Well, I could probably write about this subject for years since there is so much more I have to say, but I wouldn’t want to bore you.

So there is my lovely rant about social statuses, maybe you can relate, or just wonder “is she ranting about a rated r version of some Disney movie?” Today, something did happen. My computer won’t turn on!! (Talking about overreacting tho XD) I hate when an electronic stops working because then my mom thinks it’s all my fault, creating even more stress and pressure for me. I had started this post on my computer and was going to finish it, but I just had to type up something new here on my phone, so I don’t think there will be a picture to match this post because I don’t know how to really do it on my phone yet. Hopefully she’ll let me get it fixed but we’ll see how that goes…

Anywho, thank you if you read all the way down here! I greatly appreciate it! Remember to stay true to yourself!

The Relatable Girl xxx


Recently, a hurricane seems to be hurling straight towards my state! I’m honestly not too worried, I just know it can cause a lot of destruction so I hope everyone else will be safe! Lately, we’ve been getting prepared for it and it kind of feels nice because I get to spend more time with my parents, which I enjoy. Also, I’ve felt very organized this week. Earlier in the week, I was feeling very stressed and anxious, so in the middle of the night, I got up and cleaned my room. For once, its actually stayed clean so hopefully I can keep it up. Having a clean room and preparing has made me feel that home feeling, its hard to describe, but its just comfortable and its nice.

Other than all of that, not much has happened to me lately to really talk about. Though, I have been trying to learn how to play the piano. Well, trying to learn a piece of a song with one hand then giving up and going to another song. But, it is something to do in my free time or boredom. So, I highly suggest that, if you have an old keyboard or piano lying around, dig it out and try learning something on it from YouTube. It’s a lot better than sitting around, scrolling through your feed on Instagram or whatever, and getting jealous of other people who seem to have their life together (but I totally never did that…).

For the featured image, I thought Totoro being freaked out by rain was perfect for this post because this was one of my favorite scenes from the movie. If you don’t know what Studio Ghibli is, stop and find the movies to watch, because no matter how old I get, I will always love them. I will probably rewatch all of them during the hurricane.

Thank you so much if you read all the way down here, I greatly appreciate it! And please stay safe for any of you stuck in any storms!

The Relatable Girl xxx


Pic source: popkey.co/search/my%20neighbor%20totoro



Escape From Reality

We all need those moments to get away from our real lives, those moments to just enter your own world. Or maybe you use this to think and enter your feelings. Music is the key to all of this. I could never survive without music. Silence kills me, I always need some type of music in the background. I always have Pandora playing in my room. I don’t really have a favorite genre of music, it all depends on what mood I’m in. In this post, I just wanted to say how much I admire and love any genre of music. Whatever type of music I listen to in the morning is how I’m going to feel for the rest of the day. My friend does opera and only listens to opera, I’ll call her Peach. I asked her why she enjoys it and how it makes her feel and her answer was interesting. She said that she enjoys how she gets to learn about the different cultures. I talked to some more old friends about music, and they all agreed that it changes their mood. So what does music do to you? what do you listen to? Thank you so much if you read all the way down here and dealt with my “trying to be formal” writing, I really appreciate it!

The Relatable Girl xxx



Source for picture: I couldn’t find the link but you can type “headphone girl drawing” on Google and creds to the artist for this I love it


Changing Into Someone I Don’t Want To Be

Ok so its looks like I have to let some more feelings out… Tomorrow’s post will be different I swear! Tonight’s been another tough night. I will admit, I did procrastinate a little, but I just feel like there are these wires all tangled up in my brain that I have to untangle. Its like untangling 100,000,000 earplugs in a little bucket. And now of course my small little brain worrying too much has gotten me thinking again about how I act at school and what others think of me, like how I dress.

In my high school, we don’t have uniforms, just a dress code that no one follows. So far, I keep changing my style everyday and here are some thoughts that go through my head, “crap, do I look like a slut?!” (excuse the language), “I look so fat in this”, “that kid looked at my shirt, is it weird looking?!”, “Is my make up too caked on??”. Everyday, I keep telling myself not to care about what others think and wear what you want, to not worry about your hair and get that extra half hour of sleep, and save yourself from more acne with less make up. But, of course my little brain won’t let that happen. Its not only the outside appearance thats been bothering me, its how I talk and act.

I can feel myself changing in personality also. Last year, I was very chill and didn’t care about anything, I would help out if I could. Now I find myself freaking out about every little thing which is exactly what I do not want to do. Sometimes I’ll say something and realize it was weird and rude, what I don’t want. Even when I’m around my friends, I feel like I come across as someone trying to be better than the rest, which is what I DEFINITELY DO NOT WANT. All I think is, “what if they’re only being my friends out of pity?”, “what if they secretly hate me”, “they’d probably be better off without me”. I know, writing this is making me realize what a terrible friend and person in general I am. Also, lately I realized that when I talk, I tend to stutter a lot. I mean to say what was in my head, but then it comes out all complicated and jumbled together. For example:

In my head: Can I have a slice of pizza please?

What comes out of my mouth: P-please sli-i-ce o-of pizza ca-an I?

Also, a little side thing here thats been nagging at me, but I feel that people expect so much more from me, and I hate to disappoint but I don’t have it. I don’t understand school though. Why are we spending our life (or 4 years for another 4 years) somewhere we don’t want to be in to prepare for a better future. Why not start your life now? I don’t want to live the life of the same routine everyday. Get up. Go to work. Come home. Eat. Go to bed and repeat. Its so boring, I feel like I’d be wasting my life everyday. I want to do something where its different everyday like traveling. Or even something that will make a change in the world and do good. I know I’m making no sense, but I just had to get it out. OK I’m good now.

So, if any of you can relate or know whats going on with me please leave a comment. Thank you if you read all the way down here about the issues in my head, I really appreciate it.

The Related Girl xxx



Source for picture: 5b92fa512a2791957513d9b5d5f9254b.jpg


Hello. Todays post is going to be short because I have a lot to do right now. It is only the second week of school and I have already broken down. Ive been sitting in front of my desk crying because I just feel very stressed. (And I know this is soon to happen many times more). I can not keep up with the loads of homework the teachers have given us, like I know I don’t have a life, but I need some time to rest. I’ve lost so much sleep, I feel everyday now I get a headache. I just woke up from a long nap (that I did not plan on having but I just put my head down for a little and next thing I know Im out) and it is currently 7 pm. I have an assignment and other projects due tomorrow, some at 7 am which theres no way I’ll get to those. Today, I’ve felt very dizzy and lightheaded, I can’t focus on anything. I want to skip school tomorrow so bad to catch up on my sleep and assignments, but theres no way my mom would ever let me. Im worried that I may even get sick at school, I’m not feeling quite well right now. I have to rush everything making me feel very disorganized and more stressed. I know its high school and we should expect more work, but its all going too quick for me. I don’t feel like were learning anything, its just all work. Please leave a comment if you feel that you relate. What kind of homework do you all get? Do you have any serious or funny stories on trying to get homework done? Sorry this isn’t very well typed, I just had to get my feelings out there. Good luck on your schoolwork and thank you very much if you read all my complaining and whining on doing work.

The Relatable Girl xxx


Hey everyone! So I originally had something else planned to post today, but I think I’ll post that tomorrow. Todays post might be a bit short so I hope its ok. Something so little happened to me today but is still bothering me and I feel that if I write about it, it might help to ease my anger.

First a little background info. Before I changed schools for 8th grade, I had this friend, we’ll call her Apple, we were friends in the 7th grade. We weren’t as close for sleepovers and stuff, but we had English together and we shared lots of laughs together. We’d post funny pictures of each other and like what friends usually do. Apple was a popular girl so we only really talked in that one class, but we acted as if we were the bestest of friends. Even though I may have been just someone to talk to to her, to me she was one of my best friends. When I changed schools, we didn’t really text much, maybe once in a while if one of us sent a chat about a snap. This summer, there was this guy that started calling my friends very mean names and I got a a bit… EXTREMELY mad. I tried doing something, but instead he shot back at me. I knew Apple had connections to him and that he’d listen to her. I asked her for some help, but also said that she could just ignore this because I didn’t want to force her into the situation. She said ok, and from the results, Im pretty sure she ignored it, which Im ok with. I did not expect her to help because I’d be putting her on the spot.

Well, now in high school, I have no classes with her thank goodness. We did pass each other in the halls and I smiled to her, but instead all I got back was a weird look. I didn’t really care honestly since we hadn’t talked in so long and the last time I texted her was that, like what was I to expect. But today at lunch, as I was sitting down, Apple came by with her group of girls, which did I mention that she’s popular and a cheerleader? We made eye contact and as she got near me, she said “Eww she’s so weird” to the others as she was looking at me. They all giggled at me and said “eww” back and walked away. (Is anyone else getting the Disney show vibe from this?)

Well its out now. I feel like a boulder just got lifted off my heart. As I’ve said before, I do overreact sometimes, so it may just be me. Its just that if she doesn’t want to talk to me anymore, she should just not say anything to me so I get the hint, not going and telling her friends I’m weird. So, have any of you been in similar situations? Whats something thats happened to you at school so far? And I apologize for my constant whining. I would love to learn about your school lives. Thank you so much if you read all the way down here, hearing me out, I really appreciate it.

The Relatable Girl xxx


Source for picture: https://favim.com/image/362490/

My Biggest Fear

So last week I started high school. Now we all have different experiences of high school, good, bad, or just meh. I think my first day was meh, there were good moments and times when I wanted to get out of there already. My mom kept telling me I’d have people from my old schools in my classes. Well I didn’t really have any of them in my classes, but there were some people I knew on the bus from elementary school. I don’t think they saw me or maybe I just changed so much that they didn’t realize it was me (which I think Im still looking like the same potato I was in fifth grade)… but you’d think at least a smile back to someone waving would be nice. Maybe I’m just that weirdo that nobody wants to talk to. At the last stop there barely any seats left except the one by me, that cute guy did not look excited to sit by the weird girl. Moving on to the classes… blah blah blah. It was all lectures from the teachers and when they would finish everyone would get in their groups and talked. Thank goodness we can have our phones out to text. My friend was starting her first year at a public high school and so we would text each other our reports. Heres how some messages went: 

Me: Dude Im on the bus omg 

Her: oh god watch asmr (we were watching those videos the other night to try and sleep they did not really help) I THINK I BURNED MY HAIR 

Bad start crap. Im a complete loner. Someones already smoking behind me. a cute boy sat next to me 


Im at lunch wbu 



I have no friends 

I’m talking to two people rn I have so much to tell u oml its so awkward 


and later…. 

I hate this I can’t believe we have to go thro this all year I have no friction friends I’m going to the last class finally I’m lost 

I’m dead 

Crap the music is playing that means I have one min left …. crap I’m on the opposite side of the building 


are they cute?

Some are 

ohh idk how to get to the buses 

Well theres some of it most of it was random pictures of our dying faces. I have to say, I do overreact to some stuff. My day was not that bad because I did meet someone knew that I still talk to. There are others out there that deal with bullying and my heart goes out to you all, please stay strong. 

The next day was a bit better. The bus was the same, classes were funner that day. (They were different classes because I have block scheduling with odd and even classes.) One of my old friends did talk to me in one of the classes we had together. Then came lunch… at first it was not enjoyable. I didn’t know who to sit with because my new friend from the day before didn’t have the same lunch period as me. So, I found a table and then a group of (I think) seniors sat by me. Basically, they’re laughing and having a good time and see me, and it was awkward. Luckily, I saw someone I knew across the cafeteria and find her. Skipping through, I ended up mostly talking to her one friend who Ive never met but she was so nice and probably saved me from the dreadful high school life. We acted as if we’ve known each other our whole lives. So little by little, high school hopefully will get better. After writing this, I think I figured out that one of my biggest fears is being alone surrounded by people. What are your fears? How is school going for you all? Sorry this post became more like a diary entry, I’ll work more on getting the hang of this, my thoughts just seem to pour out and I can’t stop. Thank you so much if you read all the way down here, I greatly appreciate it. 

The Relatable Girl xxx






A New Beginning

Welcome to my blog! This is my very first post so sorry its not very professional looking. Honestly, I never thought about starting a blog until just recently. As you can see I have no experience in writing or creating websites, but going to high school as a freshman has made me want to share my experiences throughout the next four years. I want to express all the happy, sad, stressful, and angry moments to come.  I hope these posts will make you smile or help you in some way. We all have struggles in either school, personal lives, social lives, or all of them. But, we are never alone, we can survive through those moments to live for the happiest times.

I got the name The Relatable Girl from a few of my friends from middle school. They’d always say I was so relatable in situations, so I figured I should use it for my blog name! Especially entering high school, I feel every teenager can relate to each other in different ways. I hope most of you can relate to some of my future posts helping to show we all go through bad and happy moments.

I should probably say a few things about myself but there is not much to say really. I just entered high school last week in which I will tell about my experiences in tomorrow’s post. I don’t really have any talents unless you count eating a whole jar of Nutella in less than 10 minutes a talent. I try finding hobbies to enjoy, but I can never find the one for me. For instance, I tried cheer. I’ll tell you about that experience another time… But maybe this blogging thing will become my hobby. Honestly, I don’t know who I am yet. Maybe I’ll discover myself through these blogs. But as you read, you will learn more about me hopefully. There is so much more I want to write but I don’t want to dread you with too much so I’ll save the rest for later. I’d love to learn more about you guys too so please leave comments or email me or whatever! Thank you so much if you have read this far down and I hope you stay with me throughout this journey!

The Relatable Girl xxx